Local AAAs are here to assist those 60 and older with their COVID-19 vaccination and boosters.
In partnership with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Seniors age 60 and over and homebound adults can find help from their local Area Agency on Aging to schedule and arrange transportation to and from your Covid vaccination and booster shots.
Homebound persons include those needing the help of another person or medical equipment such as crutches, a walker, or a wheelchair to leave their home, or their medical provider believes that their health or illness could get worse if they leave their home, and they typically do not leave their home.
Your local AAA can help you:
- Register for a vaccine, if you have not yet registered
- Coordinate round-trip transportation
- Be reminded when it’s time for your second dose
- Coordinate a vaccination in your home if you are homebound
AAAs are a trusted resource, anchored in every county throughout Missouri. We are dedicated to serving aging Missourians to live safely and with dignity in their homes and communities. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, AAA’s play a vital role to support seniors.